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Biomechanical Emotional Therapy (BET) addresses your body’s systems that work together to enhance and encourage synthesis. When we look at healing ourselves, we never really consider that trauma comes from many different areas of our lives and manifests itself as physical pain with an emotional and energetic restriction, often not considered or overlooked.


When you are looking at pain, you may be surprised to know that it may not manifest in the area of registered pain unless it is due to a direct physical trauma.

Any trauma: emotional, physical, surgical, impact injuries and illness, create disease in the body on every level, impacting all systems over time and creating pain, discomfort and impaired movement patterns.   


Behaviour patterns are registered in the brain, the command centre, followed by the central, peripheral, parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. When the brain is at capacity it offloads to the viscera and the fascia which houses and facilitates all the vessels that supply function and movement through the body.

When you have your consultation your body will register and disclose it’s own order of release. After taking your concise physical, emotional, medical and injury history. Your body will show me compensatory patterns in viscera (organs), nervous system, arterial structures that facilitate movement throughout the musculoskeletal structure and any stored emotions  held within any of these systems.  I will listen with my hand on your head and move joints around to find your point of initial restriction, it is as much an intuitive and physical and thermal observation and evaluation.


Healing depends on the individual and where you take ownership for your own healing and journey back to self.  It depends on  your history and what your body reveals.  Normally it will take 3-5 sessions to get a conclusive result, although it is not uncommon to take longer depending on the amount of time that has passed and how deep the behaviour pattern runs.  It is important to register that any behaviour is deep rooted from your journey in life and can take up to a year to clear.


What you get: quote from a client:

“Maria is a therapist like no other I’ve ever experienced. Calling upon her remarkable powers of deep intuition, spiritual awareness, psychological behaviours and erudite physiological knowledge, she is able to precisely address and fix any ailment or mental issue I present her with. She has changed by life for the better in a great many ways.”



MARIA works on Monday and Wednesday mornings. She gets booked up in advance, so be prepared to book ahead! 


To book online with Maria, click here


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